8500 total miles, 6200 SOLO!
Finally being in a position of working remote and having a window of opportunity for an extended trip, I jumped at the chance. I set out with so much support from my Mr. We lucked into a great deal on this Casita on 7/8 and by 7/22 I was on the road. We took a weekend trip to the Rim (Mongolian Rim) on 7/16 as a trial run learning how to set her up and use her features.

Greg joined me for my last 10 days where we backtracked and spent a week at the beach (our new home!). Ok, this trip wasn’t JUST for fun, certainly! It was also a sort of journey to find a new home closer to home. We want to see our grandbaby and my dad more than every 3 months! So eenie meenie mighty moe here we go!

My drive east was easy! I always look forward to Pizza Barn, just east of Albuquerque, it’s a must stop for a good meal on the road. Just get there before 8. But they don’t start kicking folks out til about 9 and they are fast !

Cuervo, NM. I always want to stop here and spend time taking pictures of all the abandoned old buildings but it always sneaks up on me. Stop if you can, I wasn’t this time, but maybe I should have since now I may not be back through again for a while! (oopps!)

Texas. This is always the longest stretch of not much. Lol. Lots of cows, windmills and usually a storm of some sort. But I can usually find a good meal and I’m sure to see a beautiful sunset. .

Atoka was my first stop and my longest, two weeks ! It was also the first time for a lot of things in regard to camping trailers. Laughable moments for sure! It was the first time I had to park it, what I affectionately called the “level and settle”. Ashley’s yard was by far the most complex because of how her driveway is situated in a weird double curve with plenty of traffic! It took me 45 minutes and a whole of belly-laughing to get that gal in place. In Hindsight she was not set up properly but she was level. I got some good practice backing her up anyways!

two whole weeks with my grandson just after his 2nd birthday. I feel so blessed! The sweetest human in my life. He LOVESto swing.
‘this time with him solidified for me how important it is to be as present as I can in his life. We never ever ever get these years back.
so. Two weeks of love here.

a few lessons learned on this leg. Waste managers going to need some addressing. LOL. TMI but my tank will not hold more than a week of waste including showers. A breakdown, hour long round trip drive and set up (including having to re-park that spot!) was not fun! Better plan necessary for long term stays! Also, one of my windows has a leak, flex tape gives it a good seal for now. This remains an issue for the trip but I managed with tapes and trashbags 🙂

Moving on was hard but necessary and a bit scary. Many firsts ahead of me. Chester Frost, here I come…