8500 total miles, 6200 SOLO!
Finally being in a position of working remand having a window opportunity for an extended trip, I jumped at the chance. I set out with so much support from my Mr. We lucked into a great deal in this Casita on 7/8 and by 7/22 I was on the road. We took a weekend trip to the Rim (Mongolian Rim) on 7/16 as a trial run learning how to set her up and use her features.

Greg joined me for my last 10 days where we backtracked and spent a week at the beach (our new home!)

Pizza Barn, just east of Albuquerque is a must stop for a good meal on the road. Just get there before 8. But they don’t start kicking folks out til about 9 and they are fast !

Cuervo, NM. I always want to stop here and spend time taking pictures of all the abandoned old buildings but it always sneaks up on me. Stop if you can

Texas. This is always the longest stretch of not much. Lol. Lots of cows, windmills and usually a storm of some sort. But I can usually find a good meal and I’m sure to see a beautiful sunset. .